Trago Sua Skol de Volta




GoldGoldThe Creative Use of Media Award


For Ambev, returnables are a big bet. But, as much as it is a great option, it still has great resistance.
The main problem? The journey. The value proposition of a returnable package is still not clear enough to compensate for all the work.
In recent years, communication about returnable packaging has always been very serious and rational: you spend less money and take more product, because you only pay for the liquid. In other words: knowing the format and saving 10% on each purchase have not been enough to make this account right for the consumer.
Mainly for Skol. All this rationality is not and never was Skol’s face.
While Ambev Institutional’s communication rationally reinforced the economic advantage of returnables, Skol needed to give its special touch to this relationship. It needed to show that one of our main partners, Zé Delivery, could change all that.

Trago Sua Skol de Volta

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